Nationwide solicitors alliance launched to provide better value and compete for major legal services work

Courts re-open to new ‘local’ solicitors alliance for personal, corporate and State sectors

A new nationwide alliance of small and medium sized solicitor firms has been launched today, in a bid
to assist them to compete locally and regionally for personal, corporate and State legal services work.

The National Solicitors Alliance (“NSA”) will include up to 100 small and medium sized legal firms,
with representation in all cities and larger towns.

The Alliance will co-ordinate public procurement and large client work from its head office, and it will
provide support services to its members who will still retain their separate identities. Its website will provide legal information for clients and details of its member firms.

Marking the re-opening of the Irish courts today on Monday 1 st October, NSA Members gathered
outside the Four Courts to launch the Alliance, which already has 45 member firms and has a target
of 100 firms.

Spokesperson for the National Solicitors Alliance and Solicitor Brian Cunneen said: “The concept is
simple – we are combining the local knowledge and expertise of our member firms with a national
network, to empower small and medium sized firms to compete on a larger scale for personal,
corporate, and State legal services.”

“The Alliance has member firms throughout the country. We have the unique combination of ‘boots on
the ground’ throughout the country combined with invaluable local knowledge and experience.”

“Clients of Alliance members can range from an individual looking to identify the right solicitors firm for
their issue, or a large corporate client or a regional or national State purchaser needing local expertise
across the country to match their business and legal needs. The Alliance will also work with barristers
to ensure all legal issues and services are covered by its member firms.”

“The Alliance member firms collectively already have over 150 solicitors putting the Alliance in the
Top 10 largest law firms in the country, if its solicitors are collectively classed as a single law firm.”

“Alliance member firms typically have a lower cost base than larger firms. Its member firms are
dynamic and responsive. Our coming together to form the Alliance, means that our members have the
scale, skills and national coverage required to allow them to provide better value legal services with
the local ‘personal touch’ to the consumer, corporate clients and the State”, Mr Cunneen stated.

The Alliance currently has 45 member firms throughout the country who, between them, have over
150 solicitors, in over 50 offices.

The NSA is limiting membership to 100 firms, to reflect a regional balance and is open for
membership to like-minded law firms who subscribe to a high level of service delivery standards.

Details of member firms at

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